Okhotnikov fiber lasers pdf

An nd modelocked fiber laser is introduced as a way to obtain picosecond pulses in the near infrared 900 nm. Review of the main achievements and breakthrough technologies. Optimization of modelocked fiber lasers by intracavity dispersion compensation and repetition rate stabilization is described. In a conventional single transverse mode laser such as formed with a singlemode. The fiber taper provides sufficient anomalous dispersion to ensure soliton operation of the modelocked laser. Search the leading research in optics and photonics applied research from spie journals, conference proceedings and presentations, and ebooks. Review of the main achievements and breakthrough technologies abstract. The first rareearthdoped fiber lasers were operated in the early. Optimizing the laser cavity to enhance the crossphase modulation in the gain materials has yielded a large mismatch of 20 m between the two laser.

The fiber gain medium allows for efficient pumping of the 900. A modelocked ybdoped fiber laser was developed without the use of any dispersion compensation technique. Erbium and ytterbium fiber lasers were firmly synchronized by nonlinear interaction in active media placed in the same cavity. Ultrafast fiber lasers using novel semiconductor saturable. Osa fiber taper for dispersion management in a mode. Highpower passive fiber components for allfiber lasers and. A twocolor femtosecondpicosecond pulse train at largely separate wavelengths of 1. A fiber laser is a laser in which the active gain medium is an optical fiber doped with rareearth. Pdf spatiotemporal modelocking in multimode fiber lasers. The important aspects of the modelocked fiber lasers relevant to practical security systems are presented. Okhotnikov, multimode erdoped fiber for singletransversemode. Conceptual outline of modelocked multimode fiber lasers.

The book brings together contributions from the worlds leading experts at major collaborative research centers. A comprehensive account of the latest developments and applications in this rapidly developing field, covering a wide range of topics, such as power scaling and short pulse generation, dispersion management and modeling, broadband supercontinuum generation and wavelength tailoring. Okhotnikov april 8, 1951 to april 8, 2016, an inspired scientist who has made a significant contribution to the development of fiber lasers. Okhotnikov, allfiber picosecond laser source based on nonlinear. We exploit the large anomalous dispersion in the waist of a fiber taper to offset the intracavity normal chromatic dispersion of an ybdoped fiber laser. Okhotnikov tampere university, finland was awarded the ph. We give an overview of recent achievements in ultrafast fiber lasers. For the next several decades, fiber lasers were little more than a low.

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